
Sunday, 30 August 2015

Brooke used the image below and the success criteria to write this awesome piece of writing!

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) chasing Thomson's Gazelle (Gazella thomsoni

Success Criteria - Have you…….

  • used the ‘senses’ when you are writing?
  • used descriptive ‘wow’ words?
  • used topic vocabulary? Eg, Impala, Cheetah, pouncing, prey, predator etc.
  • checked your writing makes senses?
  • checked you have your non - negotiables correct?


Out from the grass came a lonesome impala. Once it got up it got a shock of terror, there was a cheetah at the end of the field. The terrified impala had the fastest animal chasing it. A gigantic cheetah, which is hoping it gets it’s prey. The impala took a gigantic leap "ka-thump", then he started sprinting as hard as it has ever has in it’s whole entire life. The cheetah tried to leap onto it as it sprinted across the grassy field. All of a sudden the impala’s mouth dropped with worry. Is the impala going to live or is it going to be killed? The cheetah is fed up from chasing it but he’s not going to give up on his delicious dinner and if he does he will be ANGRY for the rest of his life. The cheetah can feel it’s tummy rumbling with hunger. The impala takes a flexible jump SPLAT to the ground went the cheetah.Ha ha you will never catch me now.You pay for this but i’ll get you one day! He leapt up from the grass and started sprinting across the field and they were never seen again from that day. One SAD one HAPPY.   

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